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Table of Contents

Our Lady of Grace Pastoral Leadership
Congregation of the Holy Spirit Fathers - Spiritans
"From the Pulpit" - Fr. Benoit's Sunday Reflection

Our Lady of Grace Parish Leadership


Globally, Spiritans are working in over 65 countries. We are in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

The Spiritans are a part of a Roman Catholic religious congregation founded in France. We are Priests, Brothers and Lay Spiritan Associates. .

The Spiritans have been in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati since the late 1800’s.Since 1921, Spiritans had dedicated their ministry in Dayton among African American Catholics and the inner city Parishes.

For three centuries, Spiritans have embraced a mission of

  • Evangelization, Justice and Peace
  • Advocacy of refugees and immigrants;
  • Education and Youth Ministry
  • Parish Ministry

Please, remember the Spiritans in your prayers. You are always in our thoughts, hearts and prayers too. All the best in this New Year and beyond.

 A Brief History of the Spiritans                                                           


The Spiritan Tradition

Founded in 1703 by Claude Poullart des Places, a native of France, the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) consists of nearly three thousand members. Spiritan missions can be found in more than sixty countries worldwide, dedicated to working with the poor and championing the needs of the disadvantaged marginalized around the world. 

Spiritans are rooted in the missionary spirit of their founders, most notably Claude Poullart des Places and Francis Libermann, who is considered the Congregation's second founder and who merged his missionary zeal with the Spiritans in 1848. From the first Spiritan who served in Baltimore in 1794 to today, Spiritans have a rich history of working in communities in the United States where the need is greatest.

Today, there are approximately 90 Spiritan priests and brothers working parishes from California to New York in various educational works, such as Duquesne University and Holy Ghost Preparatory School, and in different justice and peace ministries at the service of the poor.

American-born Spiritans are working in many international missions of the Congregation, including Tanzania, Vietnam, South Africa, Mexico, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic. Another fifty Spiritans, mostly from Africa and Ireland, work and study in the U.S. Whether speaking out in pastoral leadership, educating our youth, advocating for social justice, or shepherding parish communities, the Spiritans are involved in the important work of evangelization.

For three centuries, Spiritans have embraced a mission of hope and presence:

  • Evangelization of those who have not heard the Gospel Message;
  • Advocacy of refugees and immigrants;
  • Ministry in areas where the Church struggles to find workers; and
  • Promotion of justice and peace for the oppressed.

 Global Presence of the Spiritans

 Red indicates the countries where the Spiritans are present

To learn more about the Spiritans, visit the website

From the Pulpit
Fr. Benoit Mukamba, CSSp.


SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 33: 7-9; Psalm 95; Romans 13: 8-10 Matthew 18: 15-20.

REFLECTION: Love as the Highest Form of Human Expression.

“Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another” (Romans 13: 8). “Love is the fulfillment of the Law” (Romans 8: 10). These beautiful verses which we hear from today’s second reading, are central to Christian living and the confirmation of a disciple’s call and election to attain salvation (2 Peter 1: 1o). The word love may be one of the most used and abused term but the most powerful word when uttered or expressed with sincere honesty. Love is the highest form of human expression. It symbolizes a commitment to our shared responsibilities. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Apostle John tells us, “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God, for God is love” (1John 4: 7-8). By loving us first, God made us for love.

During my recent visit to Pittsburgh, PA, one of the senior priests in the retirement house shared with us a story about what he had seen while having a late breakfast. A bird hit a glass window in their spacious upper room dining hall. The bird falls down on the concrete floor. Shortly after, another bird of the same type came, hovered and landed on the disabled bird. Little while later it started pushing the disabled bird on the grass. The two birds stayed together for about half an hour. Finally, both birds flew away.

We have got a lot to learn from other creatures. Sociologists look at people as social animals. But we are far more capable than animals. God appointed Ezekiel as Prophet and watchman of Israel to warn the people of oncoming danger. This appointment was a privilege and a burden. It would be an expression of love for his people if Ezekiel accomplished it with fidelity. Ezekiel would sin against love if he didn’t warn the people. The Gospel reminds us of the same responsibility when it says, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault” (Matthew 18: 15). Brotherly correction is an expression of love to fellow human beings and of fidelity to God. It is not easily done but we ought to avoid the sin of Cain who responded to God’s question, “Cain where is your brother Abel? He answered, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9). Oh yes, you are. Oh yes, we are our brothers and sisters’ keepers. Care and mercy are forms of love that protects, empowers, and nurtures the other. The power to bind and lose that God has given us is a nice gift and a challenge; we will answer for it. Hence, we shouldn’t be quick to bind because the Lord’s kindness is greater than we can imagine. We cannot forgive cheaply presuming God’s mercy, for this too will be short of showing God’s holiness.

Before concluding, I would like to thank each one of you present here. As Scripture tells us, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18: 20). We are not only social but above all religious people. Our gathering manifests God’s presence and our love for one another. We strengthen the faith of one another and are empowered to value the life, dignity, and reputation of one another.

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  Corpus Christi Church
527 Forest Avenue
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