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Our Lady of Grace Parish supports the Catholics Come Home ® initiative. Watch the TV ads on YouTube and visit the website.





Our Lady of Grace Parish - Fr. Benoit Mukamba

To create opportunities to discover, renew or strengthen faith in Christ and to actively engage in the life of the Church; to foster an enthusiasm to share this faith with others.


Catholics Come Home
An invitation to inactive Catholics to reconcile with the Church and welcome them "home."  These gatherings are held at various Dayton parish locations twice a year.  Please call the parish office if you have any questions or wish to meet with someone before that time.

Inquiry Sessions
These meetings are held for those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.  They are generally held at each of our parish locations during the month of August.  These are informational, informal, and brief meetings where questions can be addressed by a trained catechist from the parish.  These are normally one time only meetings for discernment purposes toward joining RCIA.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which an adult officially joins the Catholic Church.  There is no commitment required to begin this process which starts in September and lasts until June.  Our topics during the year are varied and cover Liturgy, Saints, Church History, Scripture, Tradition, Morality, Social Justice, Prayer, etc.  Our energetic and informed catechists make this a very enjoyable experience.  Please call the parish office for detailed information.

Community Activities
Throughout the year we extend invitations to the neighbors of our parish locations to join us in social activities so that we can get to know one another better.  These gatherings would include things like ice cream socials and neighborhood picnics.  We always have food and games in a family friendly atmosphere that hopefully leads to a sense of belonging to the community.

As new members join our parish, we offer greeting packets with information and gifts as well as orientation opportunities so that they feel at home.  We meet with the family to assist in any way that might be helpful as well as supply mentor relationships for those new to the area.

220 West Siebenthaler Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45405
937-274-2107 phone
None: fax
Hours: Mon & Tues, 9:00am - 12:00pm
  Corpus Christi Church
527 Forest Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45405
Our Lady of Mercy Church
533 Odlin Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45405
Click Here For Parish Locations and Maps
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