homicide prayer vigils
"While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart."
- Saint Francis of Assisi
Sisters of the Precious Blood Virtual Homicide Vigil
Our lives are affected by the violence around us, whether it be from watching the news or from the death of someone close to us in an act of brutality. The Sisters of the Precious Blood want to express our solidarity with those who have lost a loved one to violence by praying for your families and community. In 1994, we initiated prayer at homicide sites in Dayton, Ohio—now we want to open up our prayer to the world. Join us as we step toward ending violence in our world.
This is a place for prayer, meditation, spiritual healing, and to connect with God. View the candles below to see other prayers. When you’re ready, click on the button below to share your prayer request.
Please note: all prayer requests are subject to approval before being displayed.

If you would like more information regarding opportunities to become involved with the Social
Justice Commission, please contact:
Our Lady of Grace Parish