faith formation ministry

Our Lady of Grace Parish
The region's Faith Formation Ministries involve programs to meet the human and spiritual needs of each parishioner regardless of age or vocation. This is accomplished through our Faith Formation Commission which has the responsibility to assist the parish community in the initiation and evaluation of educational programs concerning Catholic faith formation for adults and children.
Family Faith Formation
Since many of our young parishioners attend public school, the parish offers a religious education program for the families. Parents attend along with their children, and grandparents are welcome as well. This class is offered twice a month on Sunday mornings. It is textbook oriented and promises to keep the children up to date in their Catholic faith. It also offers Sacramental instruction for children preparing for First Eucharist, Reconciliation, or Confirmation. While it cannot take the place of a Catholic school curriculum, it is the next best thing. This is in place of what used to be known as the CCD program.
Bible Study
Bible study groups are held within the parish at various times of the year. These are small groups that use different resources for reflection on Scripture. Please contact the parish office for more information and current group meeting times.
Small Church Communities
Our parish offers numerous opportunities for faith sharing in Small Church Communities. These meet twice a month in peoples' homes and at parish locations to offer individuals a way to feel more a part of the Church experience. Many of these groups have been meeting for over 20 years and are truly a beacon of hope for our community of faith. All parishioners are welcome and encouraged to join a Small Church Community.
This retreat is often offered in Lent and is a reflective, participatory, prayerful opportunity for parishioners to focus on our life in unity with one another and Christ.